Socialization and Enrichment Program

Socializing puppies has traditionally been considered the responsibility of the new owner. However, more research shows that encouraging a stable temperament can start even before the puppies are born. We as the breeder can do a lot to ensure that our puppies have a great start to being more adaptable to all situations they will encounter in life.

The First 3 Weeks

Puppies are very helpless for the first three weeks of their lives, and it is a crucial time of life for them. Their eyes do not open until about 10-14 days, and their sense of hearing comes around 2 weeks. Mama dog is the puppy's biggest asset at this time, and our job is to give her the best support possible and make sure everybody is warm and clean.

The most important interaction with the puppies during this phase is by touch. Puppies that are gently handled and stroked during this period learn that human touch is a pleasant experience.

Puppies have their sense of smell almost immediately at birth which enables them to find momma's milk and also their littermates. This makes this a great time to also start with early scent introduction (ESI). This helps them to identify new smells in a safe and stress-free environment.

Early Neurological Stimulation

We start all our puppies on Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) exercises, which are conducted once daily from day 3 through day 16 of the puppy's life. This period is believed to be a time of rapid neurological growth and development. Even though puppies are very immature during this time frame, they are sensitive and respond well to (ENS).

This method was developed by the US military, and designed to improve the performance of future military working dogs, according to Dr. Carmen Battaglia.

ENS requires handling the puppies one at a time while performing a series of 5 exercises. This is done with each puppy once per day with the following exercises:

  1. Tactile stimulation
  2. Head Held Erect
  3. Head Pointed Down
  4. Supine Position
  5. Thermal Stimulation

The time of stimulation for each exercise is 3-5 seconds. Exercises do not exceed once per day and do not exceed beyond the recommended time for each exercise.

ENS is believed to impact the neurological system by kicking it into action earlier than would be normally expected, the result being an increased capacity that later will help to make the difference in performance.

Five benefits have been observed in canines that were exposed to ENS, including improved cardiovascular performance, stronger heartbeats, stronger adrenal glands, more tolerance to stress, and greater resistance to disease.

In tests of learning, ENS-stimulated puppies were more active and exploratory than their non-stimulated littermates.

The Avidog Way

We also incorporate Avidog's (97 Ways to Create Great Puppies) into our puppy socialization and enrichment program. It is a comprehensive list of ways to create great puppies, from birth to 16 weeks of age, and as a bonus, it is available for you to continue at no additional cost! 

A list of just a few things we do to ensure your new puppy the smoothest transition possible; handle the puppy's entire body, insinuate vet exam, give pups a bath, trim toenails, dry with a blow dryer, introduce to other pets, introduce to different environments, crate training, litter training, and potty training. 

Raising puppies takes lots of hard work and commitment, for us, as well as for you once you take your new puppy home. Our goal is to have your puppy comfortable with the basics of puppy training, as he will have some stress associated with a new home. Therefore, we want him to have the least amount of stress possible, to lots of new things like, leash & collar, crate, baths, etc.

Continued Support

The final steps to socializing and training your puppy once he is in your new home and growing up will be your responsibility. We realize it can look like a daunting or overwhelming task, especially if you are a first-time owner of a small puppy!

TRAINING – We work hard to properly prepare your puppy for you, going to great lengths to start them on the pathway toward healthiness and happiness - we are talking about training and a lot of it! THE BAXTER & Bella ONLINE PUPPY SCHOOL is perfect for this! Just imagine a program that helps provide a seamless transition from us to you, and is as much about teaching your dog how to act, as it is about coaching you how to train. Not only will you learn the skills you need to be successful, but your puppy will learn the manners and behaviors they will need for living life in a human world. What's more, the program is designed for you to begin prior to picking up your puppy and it's recommended you get signed up right away.

LEARN MORE about BAXTER & Bella HERE - Don't forget to use DISCOUNT CODE: DREAMVILLA for an instant 25% off their Lifetime Membership!



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